
Are these simpletons for real? I know a lot are trolls, but I believe that is overly optimistic. I believe a lot of these people are just simpletons with no self-awareness. What the hell does the reasons behind making the game matter? These goofs seriously believe this is all some fabrication to cash in on people’s

These are all things I was going to do first thing anyway, but it’s good to have it all laid out. Gonna lawyer up, stay anonymous if I can, set up a will, financial planners, etc. I’m gonna use this money to help people. So many people. I’m also going laugh in the sycophants faces. Ain’t got time for them or the

So these goofs go so hardcore they give themselves carpal tunnel syndrome?

I wouldn’t fund a single damn one of them. There are too many sick, dying, and homeless kids out there for me to waste money on some petty and asinine video game.

Who gives a rat’s ass. Iowa is a state people forget is even a state.

Psh, Mayweather is illiterate, so he couldn’t read from a script even if he wanted to. People ain’t got time for an illiterate wife beating disgrace to the human race; black or otherwise.

I found the Anker solar charger and external battery at a liquidation place called Gimmea5 yesterday. $5 a piece total. I guess I got a good find after all.

I found the Anker solar charger and external battery at a liquidation place called Gimmea5 yesterday. $5 a piece

People have no business getting this glorified spyware anyway. Fuck Facebook and fuck these sellouts. They can keep their $600 adware device however fancy it is.

Did I wake up in an alternate reality where Facebook didn’t buy the Oculus Rift and not know it? Did that magically not happen? Wait, it did? Facebook *did* buy Oculus Rift? Then what the fuck are you idiots doing even considering getting one? Do you have any idea how much you’ll be spied on? They’ll spie on what you


Lawdy me, this was actually very entertaining and funny. I forgot Conan was good. I’m gonna start throwing pennies and batteries in honor of this skit.

Piece of trash team deserves a piece of shit city. They belong together. It’d be too funny if they had to stay.

Now date rapists can slip one of these in drinks, too. May as well cover all the bases.

Maybe you people need more original names instead of ones that harken back to your days of having exceptionally bad acne.

Well, shit, that was a hell of an analogy. Never really looked at it that way. I suppose. Takes all kinds. Gamers gotta eat.

I read a chunk of this, but I’ll read the rest later. Otherwise I’ll be late for Christmas Eve with the family.

You are unequivocally not a ‘party pooper’. In fact you’re logical and rational. I think it’s time to end The Big Lie. That being Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, etc. Now it’s gone even further with this creepy nightmare snitch elf. You shouldn’t have to con children into behaving using bribery and fear tactics

Nonsense like this would be extinct if people didn’t think it was mentally healthy and cool and cute to pathologically lie to children during their most vulnerable and impressionable period in life.

This is what happens when bi-polar/schoziphrenic people look for patterns that don’t exist.

A lot of you people are morons. Sorry, but it’s true. One of the biggest lies I believed was that the government would do no wrong, and was always looking out for my best interests. That’s about as wacky as Santa, Easter Bunny, etc.