He killed four people in a drunk driving accident and only got probation? He, the judge, and anyone else involved in that travesty should gtfo and go to hell asap.
He killed four people in a drunk driving accident and only got probation? He, the judge, and anyone else involved in that travesty should gtfo and go to hell asap.
I’d camp out for a Cloud amiibo. Ain’t even gonna play too cool for school and front about it.
I dig the sentiment based on the same principle. What would cross the line for me, and make me stop playing all together (if I played at all; which I don’t, but this goes for any game) is if there was pay-to-win. People shouldn’t be able to purchase items that make them stronger than those who bust ass in-game and…
Totally saving this gif for future use.
Another surprise is that it hasn’t dawned on people that League of Legends is a pretty atrocious looking game, and there are still “pro” teams that people actually watch.
PaRappa! Ya gotta belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve.
How could anyone in their right mind drink Monster? Energy drinks as a whole are deceitfully dangerous, but Monster is the worst of all. Red Bull tastes like Smarties and medicine to me. Monster tastes like diesel smells. All energy drinks are trash and belong in said trash.
I was high school aged at the time, and my mother and I were taking my cousin back home one night. He lived with his mother in the projects, and next to it was a dog food plant. You hear stories about what is in dog food. One of the stories is it has horse meat in it. I can confirm that story, because at the red light…
“He took his burrito and did what? Right in the taco? They were underaged?”
idk y, but I got the giggle fits so bad my ears are burning from the tears. It’s so funny because it’s so true. Put that shit in the traaaaaaaaash.
Little dude, drop it already. You know damn good and well you had no business bringing something that looked like it came straight out of a 24 episode to school. You got your full ride. You got your fifteen minutes. Cut your losses and get over it already. Yeah, it was wrong for the kid to be profiled, but he should…
This guy is all right. Always good to see people being recognized for something that has the right attitude to back it up.
The game is good, but it isn’t immune to boredom. For me, at least. The people kept bringing me back, but I’m in no rush at all to play again. Been a few months, I think. Ill come back someday the same as I always do, but Im not sure when that day is, and I don’t see myself sticking around too long.
It made me buy kitty litter for my two cats and treats for my dog. That is all.
I was actually considering it. My Black Friday Uber idea would at least be entertaining. Plus I drive a Prius, so it’s basically a ninjacar when it’s in electric; if a stealthy getaway is necessary. Being a psychology major the idea of people watching, on a night like Black Friday especially, seems too interesting to…
I was actually considering it. My Black Friday Uber idea would at least be entertaining. Plus I drive a Prius, so…
I plan on getting out for Black Friday. No, not to shop, but as a getaway driver. I recently got activated for Uber, and I plan on making bank. Be a maniac douche, trample some old women and children, and I’ll help you make your escape.
I plan on getting out for Black Friday. No, not to shop, but as a getaway driver. I recently got activated for Uber,…
She musta thought it meant: ALL (of) YOU CAN EAT. That’s what happens when we have piss-poor grammar and the inability to use context clues.
Ronda wants to be a WWE women’s wrestler more than anything. She was just doing the job.