
They do. They tell you, because it costs hundreds of dollars to train an employee. It’s a waste of time and money to train a person that is just going to vanish never to return again. If you went forward with that bet you would be minus ‘anything’. I know this is the case with FedEx Ground, and UPS is the same

Taking a trip to a whorehouse, going on a crack binge so hardcore that you have to take pills to get your dick hard, and raking up $75K at said whorehouse is no way to go through life, yo. It’s shameful this got even thirty seconds of airtime. Ain’t got no time for disgraces to the human race.

For real, right? Lemonade the shit out of that situation to surround yourself with better people.

It’s unequivocal laziness. Dopey schmucks like that guy are the people we tell others about as a cautionary tale. He ignored the warnings of being told how demanding it was and pussed out. Most of the people leave to go to the bathroom, but they don’t tell anyone they decided to use the bathroom at their home, leave,

They have other jobs to accomodate for that. You could tape up boxes, break jams, scan the packages that are too big to go up the belts. It’s still either laziness or stupidity. Who the hell gets a job at a place they go out of their way to tell you gets very hot and very cold depending on the time of year when they

It’s called work ethic which you obviously do not have. When a person is paid to do a job they not only do it, but they do it the best of their abilities, and they have the mindset of doing it better than anyone else. Simpleton

So do I. Open warehouses get that hot during the summer. That’s why we have water. They used to hand out those otter pops, too. Still no excuse for laziness. Some people just aren’t made for physical labor.

Pretty much. There’s no excuse for laziness in a workplace like FedEx or UPS. At least as far as FedEx Ground goes they go out of their way to tell you just how physically demanding of a job it is. People evidentaly think they’re BSing around, but find themselves in the receiving end of a rude awakening. They tell you

I didnt kno Max Landis wrote this. I’ll pick it up tomorrow if I can find it.

Same thing happens at FedEx with the heat and testing people with packages. We always made fun of the people like you who couldn’t cut it. We had everyone from petite women to college kids who made it through summers and winters just fine. You’re just lazy, yo.

I could’ve told you that UPS was trash for package delivery. I worked at FedEx Ground Nashville which was literally right next to the UPS Nashville. I knew people that came over from UPS, and the horror stories they told about UPS’ lack of general give-a-fucks about their packages. Their terrible loading practices.

Thanks for the tip. I thought I had to be at the red workbench in order to enter crafting mode. Didn’t even realize I just had to press a button. For the items that require a person to operate you walk up to a member of your settlement, a Command prompt will come up, and you walk over to where you want them to be.

I am perfectly fine with micro-transactions as long as it isn’t pay-to-win. If people have money to blow on nonsense in telephone video games then more power to them. Don’t hate on the formula, and the people with more money than sense. It’s raking in millions of dollas millyuns of dollas. It’s the shady

Those Tomb Raider ones were gold. I could’ve done better than all these people, tho.

Everything is bigger sans IQ, bank account, and overall good taste.

He should’ve said that he saw dude’s contact falling out, and he wanted to help him keep it in his eye, because it would be unsportsmanlike to allow him to be partially blind when he could have made the save.

I saw a house on the map while in Concord. Really early on in the game. So myself and my dog went to check it out. I encounter my first ghouls. Four of ‘em start sprinting at me. These ain’t Walkers. These bitches are Runners. I managed to kill all four of them by hauling ass back to the Museum, and baiting one at a

Yeah, I figured it could be something like that. Such a law couldn’t exist here in TN considering the one time I recall seeing the aformentioned sign. The entire restaurant business as a whole seems shady in regards to the payment thing. The entire concept of building a job around tips, such as a server, seems morally

They have it posted here in the US if the tip is split between the server and chef. I’ve only seen that once, but I’d like to believe it happens elsewhere. Part of me can understand it isn’t a widespread thing. Maybe the servers and kitchen staff are paid differently, but it still isn’t fair. Why should the person

Fine. FINE. I’ll say it.