
Patriots are the biggest heels in the NFL. Dirtiest players in the game. Woooooooooooooooooooooooo.

These people have some stupidass names for teams. Really stupid, super asinine, and incredibly uninspired.

This was quite a wonderful review. I just started playing the game last night, and I am starting to “get” it. You can tell when a person has an emotional connection to media, because it shines through in their writing. It’s one of the fundamentals of public speaking and writing in general that makes all the

It would have been pretty fantastic if the guy took the puck and gave it to a different kid.

For real, right? Who doesn’t want to smell like feet which also smells like peach cobber cooking. I don’t know what that means.

I woke up out of a dead sleep sweating like a pig with the some realization.

My mother passed away of metastasized lung cancer on June 18, 2008. My father, who had been working at Peterbuilt Motor Company in Goodletsville, TN about 40 years, walked the picket line at 6AM or so every morning. They were in the midst of a strike at the time, so I was home alone every Tuesday morning.

Well ain’t this the darndest thing. I’m glad he was saved. Boy Scouts may be as anti-gay as the sun is bright, but at least this guy got some use out of it.

I don’t even know where to begin, but all of this is true, and it’s going to mess with your head.

Someone should write about terrible restaurant service. All I see are people bitching about the customers who are responsible for the money they are being paid.

Bravo for the good sportsmanship. At least he isn’t a ragey child.

I still don’t “get” watching other people play games. Not even a little bit. I’m only 34, and got a NES when it first came out 30 years ago, so I was the first real generation of video game nerds. But I still couldn’t care less about watching other people play games. What is the appeal? Help this young-timer

Guess that answers my question about whether he was under protective custody, but damn; I was being facetious. Hopefully he won’t kill himself to answer my ‘Is he under suicide watch’ question. FACETIOUS!

The big question is just how authentic of a virtual reality this is. Is this the VR of the future we have all dreamed of, or just a high resolutuon screen strapped a few inches from your face with a nice headset? Will a person feel truly immersed in the game, or will they feel like they’re sitting too close to a

I watched the video. The motorcyclist wasn’t stuck behind the allegedly slow driving car. They made no attempt to slow down. They kept on speeding, passed on a double yellow line, passed two cars in a row on a double yellow line, passed two cars in a row too closely on a double yellow line. If they were in fact stuck

Yeah, the motorcyclist and the other car were both douches. You don’t pass on a double yellow line. You don’t pass two cars in a row while passing on a double yellow line. I would guess the motorcyclist was going goodness knows how far over the speed limit. Both parties need their license suspended with the swerver

They need to put the nimrod who’s responsible for this loss on suicide watch.

This balderdash. Called people names? Of course I know what “names” implies, but what if I called someone “wonderful human being”, “credit to the human race”, “intelligent and well-to-do”. Those are names. Those aren’t bad names. I threaten to whoop my dog’s and cat’s ass facetiously, and my dog has People Eyes, and

If the right (wrong) abuser sees the dot and knows what it is; yeah, who’s to say they don’t leave a big red puddle of the person’s blood.

Wouldn’t you step down if you failed miserably and epically? If I sucked as bad as that team did, embarassed myself as thoroughly as they did; my ass would vanish from that game.