
A hell full of pizza and not a single drop of jelly.


What made the play illegal? A slide is a slide is it not? I’m baseball ignorant, so please correct my wrongness. Why did the guy get his leg broken? Couldn’t he have just moved or something?

Why is the US region of League of Legends represented by trash players? Shit makes me want to pick the game up myself to show people wussup. Sheee’ut, I wish there was a Final Fantasy 14 version of this. Still never been a black mage as good as me in that game.

Forgot WWE2K16

Who the fuck cares. Is this all you people have to write or worry about? Lawdy me, it must be nice.

So in order to be America’s First Family you have to marry a psychologically damaged tranny, and have children who think it’s a good idea to make sex tapes in order to become famous? Okay then.

This guy is not only toxic, but he epitomizes it, and is entitled to boot. Dopey schmuck needed to be banned. Ain’t nobody got time for mentally unstable hateful people. I wish Final Fantasy 14 would crackdown on their toxic trash as well.

My brother in law’s family owns a fourth generation BBQ place called Baldwin’s in Springfield, TN. I was told a specific amount of BBQ to put on the sandwiches. Since my brother in law’s family owned the place; I did as I was told. Other people? Not so much. This old lady came in, complained about the sandwich I made

You’ve read the plethora of Gamestop horror stories, but would you believe there used to be some legit Gamestops ran by gamers who cared about their customers? I got Tales of Symphonia the day it came out. I frequented the Gamestop a lot as a teenager, but I just happened to miss the pre-order cutoff for the artbook

I know someone that works in the electronics at Wal Mart. This shady guy bought two of the Gold Mario Amiibos himself. Two out of the four they got. A customer got the other two. This shady guy would’ve probably gotten all four of them. I’d be ashamed of myself if I were him, but I’m fairly certain he’s autistic and

Ya know what? If this were pro-wrestling The Patriots would be like a fucking 1980’s era Iron Shiek. They would be the ultimate heels. They aren’t fooling anyone at all. It’s like they’re blatant heels. Like they’re saying “Yeah? So what? Whachya gonna do about it?” while smirking. These are the types of people who

Actually he doesn’t. There was a female comedian that made subtle remarks about a male comedian who forced females to watch him masturbate. Turns out it wasn’t him at all as people assumed. ASS U ME.

It’ll be all right. Regardless of how hard a person works, or all the things a person does right; it’s just extremely difficult and nearly impossible to regain control of one’s own body once it’s lost; especially when it is out of one’s control.

To me fat is morbidly obese. They’re the people that have to be buried in piano boxes, or have the walls cut out of their houses to be removed when they die. Other people simply have big builds, are husky, or a little to somewhat overweight.

Poetic Justice that the season they were busted, sure, they went undefeated, but their asses got beat in the Superbowl. I thought it was an open secret that The Pats were scrubby cheaters who would do anything to win? Of course their fans deny it, but it’s just putting words to truth. Thing is, sad thing is, they’re a

I would’ve had to mess with her and convince her that the peppers were in fact green, and that she was color blind. The way she was behaving there had to have been other customers who would agree. Also, if her kids don’t eat green things they probably aren’t even vaccinated, and I want them kept out of gen-pop.

Yes, Gravity Falls. I finished watching that a few days ago. I’ll start Steven Universe now that people are saying it’s good like Gravity Falls and Rick & Morty

He is the epitome of a frightening Holy Roller Simpleton. Simpleton mindset and simpleton logic. One of those people that fail to realize the Bible was written thousands of years ago in a time where the population of the world was vastly smaller. Of course they’d use scare tactics to stop people from aborting. They

Let me skip the Knights of the Round animation, ffs.