Uncle Chigurh

Bowl? Try using a small mirror.

Frosted Mini Wheats got fucked

Grape Nuts start as a box of crumbs.

Why post this? It’s not March, man.

Infantilizing the man who used to be the most powerful man in the world is a naive take. Yeah, Dick Cheney was evil, but Bush was far from innocent. He enabled all of Cheney’s evil and put a dumb face on it, so people like you would ruffle his hair and say: “Aw, lil’ guy ain’t so bad!”. Then Bush could shrug his

Well, Dubya was almost certainly a worse president than Trump. So far, at least. And that really, really says a lot.

As someone from Louisiana, this stuck out to me just as much as the anti-gay, international war criminal aspect. Like, dude so completely bumble-fucked your home state/city that you proudly speak about and interact with, and you’re just like, “Hey! We’re friends. NBD.”

Gay liberal sits with war criminal in racist asshole’s suite.

I wonder if Ellen asked about his administration’s lack of response to Katrina and if he cares about black people. She’s from Louisiana and might have some things to bring up or point out.


yes. honestly incredible you dipshits think this is a good comeback. 

He also helped pave the way for the current president, by lowering that bar.

I believe that the Bush rehabilitation tour is only teaching the Republican party that all they have to do is install someone worse than the last guy. I’ve heard people who call themselves liberal who say with a straight face that they miss that chucklefuck, and when called out, say “well, he’s better than Trump!”

He’s not dead, he’s just pining for...

Huh.  Difficult to believe that didn’t work out.