Uncle Chigurh


Why would people be inside a place where the Barenaked Ladies were playing? 

And beyond your joke, it’s also probable that the campus would seem deserted if people were inside those arenas and not walking around when McQueary stepped outside.

Add to that McQueary was legitimately afraid of not only losing his job but also his entire career. If he was blackballed by Penn State, may as well go get that teaching certificate. Telling Paterno was a huge risk on his part. Completely agree that Gladwell is the lowest form of life for rehashing a settled matter,

I grew up in State College, I went to school with Sandusky’s kid, the one in prison for soliciting minors. I’ve been in Sandusky’s basement. I play tackle football in Sunset Park near Joepa’s place, pretending to be Shane Conlan or DJ Dozier. I know what that town is like, and how it venerated the football program.

He wonders why McQueary remembers the campus as being deserted on the night he says he witnessed the assault (Feb. 9, 2001), even though there was a hockey game and a Barenaked Ladies concert on campus that night.

It’s not about being loyal to a stranger, it’s contrarianism as performative intellectualism.

There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So

Haven’t too many holes already been poked in the Sandusky saga?

Malcolm Gladwell: “All I’m saying is that jet fuel can’t melt Sandusky’s penis.”

Lol, that he is having an unexpectedly poor season does not mean there was not collusion.

Seek the Truth in the overhead shot starting at 25 seconds in the posted video.

If he really wanted to emulate the Undertaker, it should have taken him at least 12 minutes to get from the on-deck circle to the batter’s box.

Tom Brady as an OT? I don’t think so.

Sounds like Elway should talk to the guy that hired Bolles.  Whoever hired him didn’t do a good job there.

Welp, if you don’t tack on 15 yds to that play when the penalty occurred, the FG at the end is from 15 yds further out—68 instead of 53. I don’t think the bears kicker is making a 68 yarder any time soon.

My favorite Elwayism in this article:

Garett Bolles on his struggling GM John Elway: Does he know what a talented QB is?

This has to be frustrating. Elway has yelled at him so many times that he's nearly horse.