Uncle Chigurh

For funsies:

You can take the man out of the the Mets but you can’t take the Mets out of the man.

German Marquez: .190/.190/.238
Chris Davis: .171/.257/.318


50k is insulting based on the revenue they produce. The work that they do is probably worth around $50k, maybe less, since salary is pretty much inversely proportional to physical labor involved, in all occupations except professional sports.

this lady is

If you earn millions of dollars for your school, you deserve to be paid fairly for it. $50k/year is fucking insulting for the work these adults do. $500k is still probably too low for top schools.

If you earn millions of dollars for your school, you deserve to be paid fairly for it. $50k/year is fucking insulting for the work these adults do. $500k is still probably too low for top schools.

He can work. He just shouldn’t work in a field where he’s in charge of dozens of teenage boys. That eliminates high school and college football, but those aren’t the only jobs available to a human being. Just because his career has been in college coaching doesn’t mean he has a divine right to continue in that field.

Hawaii to do list:

Where’s McMahon’s XBA or some other billionaires program to start paying these kids to play? That seems like a much easier product to create instead of a football team, which has a million moving pieces. 

If D-Wade gives me a $20 to go buy him a gallon of milk and he doesn’t expect change back, I will sign a contract to be his milk man right now.

lol, how old are you? like, are you legitimately a 12 year old?

To be fair, if the only time you ever hear the price of a beverage is at a major professional sports event, $20 for a gallon of milk is about right.

Well, showing remorse would be a nice start

Someone’s been buying their milk from Halliburton.

Coming summer 2029: Disney Presents Comeback - the story of how one man lost it all (not sure how though) and took the lessons learned working at a small town Texas high school all the way up to his new job in the NFL - starring Louis CK as Coach Bart Riles!

Please welcome our new team doctor, Larry Nassar.

No, they only named it softball to trick vikings into playing it.

Took a shot to the face and was offered thoughts and prayers?  Sounds about right.