Uncle Chigurh

The machine apparently works fine now, though CSUEB music students can’t get high off it anymore.

you can get to it with “hawks clapping” so maybe he had it stored from an Iran sanctions tweet?

He typed “John Bolton” into the search function and found a bunch of pictures of feckless Hawks.

this is not even the most popular gif of Alex Len in warmups

I’m going to get an illustration of this tattooed on my throat. Thank you.

I found a can of safeway brand chicken soup in the back of my pantry. I have not lived in Safeway country for about a decade and a half, so that means I probably moved here with that can. I still popped it open and used it.

I’m not sure I agree with this. I don’t see any reason not to buy large bags of rice rice, buy-one-get-one-free canned soups, and frozen meat in bulk for far cheaper than I’d get it in smaller quantities and just store it properly.

A rational adult with a dark, cool pantry and a chest freezer can easily store food for

My wife and I go back and forth on this all the time. She will immediately toss anything if its past whatever date is printed on the packaging. I, on the other hand, will eat anything no matter what the date says as long as it doesn’t look or smell funny. 

If they use Best if Used By it mean the product pretty much doesn’t go bad. Like canned food, it never spoils.

The non-perishables don’t need the “Use By” because they don’t become unsafe (that’s why they’re non-perishable). Think flour, dry pasta, oils. They can acquire off tastes or rancidity but won’t make you sick.

I went to Oakland University, and Rick Mahorn frequently came to our basketball games. He routinely spread himself in a velour sweatsuit across no few than 10 seats. 7 for his torso, ass, and outstretched arms, and three for his legs (well two but you weren’t going to sit between them in front of his dick and balls.)

Now playing

Work in progress...  The last three were from this year.

I knew Rich Hill was old, but I didn’t realize he’d been with the Dodgers for a century and a half.

That’s a bullshit way to break up a no-hitter. 

And the mother fucking Patriots will figure out a way to subvert the whole thing and stay within the letter of the law. DAMMIT!!!!!!

I’m honestly impressed with the NFL’s commitment to making the end of close games completely unwatchable and frustrating. I don’t know about you guys, but when I think “high-leverage, exciting sports” I think of Troy Aikmen grunting at a single frame of a football play to indicate that he thinks Earl Thomas touched AJ

Stayed tuned for 60 Minutes, except on the West Coast.

why don’t you just make the whole game out of challenges?