Uncle Chigurh

Are you insane? Both Ways is first, not last.

Also, as a sports bettor, he has a leg up on sports categories which I’ve noticed are generally an area of weakness for most contestants.

Wilt had 9 playoff triple doubles in 160 postseason games. Jokic already has 4 in only 11 postseason games.

So nice to see all the race scientists turn into gender scientists here in the comment section.

Yeah but you’re dumb and wrong so who cares?

So? Michael Phelps has unnaturally long arms. Should he have had to have them shortened to compete?

Oh, don't get me wrong, Kerry was probably worse at campaigning and less electable, but Biden is by far the worse person. 

Literally right there in my last response.

I’d say a guy who vigorously opposed desegregation efforts and helped write the 94 crime bill probably qualifies as a racist my dude.

lmao okay

If Biden is the nominee then have fun choosing between the racist and the bigger racist.


If Biden is the only one who can beat Trump then we should just burn this country to the ground because it’s not worth saving.

Joe Biden is definitely worse. In fact, if nominated, Biden would probably be the worst Democratic nominee since realignment. He’s an astounding shithead.

Do you know why the DNC keeps pushing shitty candidates? Because they know you’ll eat whatever plate of shit they serve you. Maybe stop eating shit.

That had nothing to do with Baker Mayfield, that had to do with the Browns’ long and storied history of turning everything they touch to shit.

Boston sports fans continue to be the shittiest people in the world.