Uncle Chigurh

Ilhan Omar never made any antisemitic comments you chump.

What the fuck is your point?

The best part of that is that Meghan has a bunch of old tweets fangirling over Vampire Weekend.

This is the dumbest possible take. Steph Curry is making more than Lebron and the Warriors are the prohibitive favorites to win the title. And Westbrook and Chris Paul are both making the same as Lebron this season (and even more over the course of their contracts) and both the Thunder and the Rockets could reasonably

The Nerdlucks already stole his powers.

Ken Jennings would be a great replacement.

There’s no such thing as too tall for John Elway.

What the fuck are you even talking about.

Oh, a new His Dark Materials adaptation? That looks pretty coo-

Wrong again, idiot.

This footage from the Amed locker room certainly can’t help their case.

Then you’re even dumber than I thought.

The only amateur here is the ref.

Literally just make them watch NFL and NHL refs. This shit doesn’t happen in those leagues.

This is the worst attempt at a joke I’ve ever seen in my life. Is Mike Huckabee writing your material?

You forgot to mention that sensitive baby dick Joey Crawford also threatened to fight Tim Duncan after ejecting him. Luckily Tim, unlike Joey, knows how to keep his cool because if he had taken him up on that offer, Joey would no longer be living.

Seriously though, NBA refs have become bigger sensitive babies than MLB umps which is an amazingly high bar to clear.



Because if they were honest the MLBPA would have them dead to rights on a CBA violation. That’s why they dance around and make excuses.