Uncle Chigurh
Now playing

I don’t know how you can mention Darell Garretson and later Rasheed Wallace, without mentioning Darell’s son Ron who, in attempting to copy his father’s style of ‘imperiousness’ (known to laypeople as being asshole), created one of the most ridiculous officiating moments in the history of professional sports along

Most NBA players can convert a layup, which this was, with either hand.

Trafficking would still be illegal, dumbass. It’s the same reason pretty much no one in Colorado is smoking illegally smuggled ditchweed any more.

I’d probably have that expression too if I had to see inside Richard Dawkins’s mind.

Unironically yes.


He will always be Brock Samson to me.

fuckin yikes

He is wrong.

Brian Griese, is that you?

Still not the highlight of the night.

Sergio Ramos has a history of being at best reckless, and at worst intentionally injurious. He doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. Yellow card for dangerous play was the correct call. Had he actually made contact with the guy’s head it should have been a straight red.

He deliberately sent one of his goons to attempt to end Nathan MacKinnon’s career in his first professional game. Fuck Bruce Boudreau, I wish Roy had squashed him like the bug he is.

Don fucking Cherry is a giant fucking piece of shit.

You are, and I can’t stress this enough, a moron.

Reasonable Blue Jays fans are apparently assholes.

It’s called tanking.

Shut the fuck up.

You’re a goddamn sociopath.

I’m just dropping in to tell you to go fuck yourself.