Uncle Chigurh

It’s actually pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove.

what the fuck are you talking about

And yet, a baseball game feels longer, which is the actual problem.


This is true.

Who would have thought that the two funniest actors in the MCU would be Dave Bautista and Chris Hemsworth?

It’s so bad it’s only one of like three movies I’ve ever stopped watching partway through. It’s so boring.

My advice is to punch that guy in the dick.

How much more red could Gruden be? And the answer is none, none more red.


Your screen name is a misnomer.

Tom Brady ate my ass.

Dude’s still got three rings. I’ll take that poison.

Could be worse, they could be debasing the name of an American hero like Mother Jones.

It’s more of a Shelbyville idea.

There’s a lot of things to criticize Trump for. Pretty much everything else in the world, for example. Being concerned for his son’s health isn’t one of those things.

Shut the fuck up, you dumb asshole.

This is really dumb.

Nikola Jokić and Gary Harris already recreated that scene, and far more successfully.

I see you've never watched Jokić play basketball before. Welcome.