Uncle Chigurh

What the fuck is wrong with your brain?

I would say I’d kill him myself, but Murray would definitely beat me to it.

If you think that’s bad, check this out.

Drew Brees is decidedly not a good guy.

Yeah, how about you fuck off. If someone doesn’t feel like choosing between a racist sex creep and a racist war criminal then they don’t have to.

Don’t sign your comments.

An American men’s tennis player who isn’t an alt-right chud? Sign me up!

It because he’s arrogant and smug and petty and whiny and childish and also a far right chud.

Julian Edelman is basically just Scut Farkus toadie all grown up.

He had a kid. He didn’t raise it. That’s what nannies are for.

Clutch is good as hell, thank you.

No one gives a shit you dumb asshole.

Walker 2020

lmao imagine uncritically sourcing quillette

I read it in Reagan’s voice because it’s basically Reagan’s admission of Iran-Contra.

Her essence remains pure.

She’s just a narcissist. It’s not like she doesn’t know right from wrong. She can still be held accountable for her actions.

Did you see the part where he has an 86 OPS+ since 2015? That’s pretty shitty, dude.

I love him more than anything.

Not only that, they basically just recycled the villains from the first movie but made them lamer. Cursed undead, except these ones can’t even travel over land.