Uncle Chigurh

Milk also helps to neutralize capsaicin, he probably should have gone with that.

It’s funny how you left out two of the top three MVP candidates entirely.

J.K. Rowling just needs to stop.


Because a GTE Financial party never starts!

At least they’re doing something about how ugly it looks on television by replacing the turf. The damn turf they had always looked water damaged on television.


I’m just surprised Olbermann didn’t blame the Russians.

Peterman was an otherworldly level of butt in the exact same offense that Tyrod Taylor was at the very least decent in. He’s irredeemably bad.

lol no

No it won’t.

his ‘successful car company’ has literally never turned an annual profit lmao

Actually he doesn’t make any of those things. He has a team of engineers that he pays (with money made initially from slave labor) to make rocket ships with an iffy, though improving, record, and electric cars with questionable, at best, reliability that have the habit of dropping their bumpers in the rain and

He’s absolutely not trying to make the world a better place.

You would really be a lousy football coach, maybe John Elway will hire you.

Put an item on the menu at PF Chang’s called Mark Davis’s Terrible Haircut.

“Celebrating slave owners is the same thing as protesting the murder of primarily minority persons by police,” is a hot fucking take, you goober.

Then Nurk would still be pouting about coming off the bench and refusing to actually try.

*Mikes McCarthy

You continue to be the dumbest person to ever grace this website. And yes, I’m including Clay Travis in that conversation.