Uncle Chigurh

Being a weird creep who warps his children with his weird creepiness creates serial killers you fucking psychopath.

It may not have been the correct call, but it was the right one.

How dare they try to make roads safer!

Plus backne and shrunken testicles.

Congratulations on raising serial killers you weird fuck.

Why does everyone named Charles Johnson suck?

Hello Mr. Goodell, welcome to Deadspin, now please fuck off.

Danny Ainge is still in Tree Rollins’ head too. Stuck right between his two front teeth.

we’ve got so much respect for his contributions to this franchise

Intent to blow is a thing but it shouldn’t be.

Fuck this guy. JR did nothing wrong. Well, not in this instance anyway.

The Falcons did it during actual games, not practice.

Aron Baynes is a goon. Why does every white guy from Oceania make trying to hurt people their entire game?

Memphis stole their team from the Pacific northwest in the first place. Moving to Seattle would practically be like coming home.

AND the Raiders changed their entire gameplan two days before the Super Bowl giving them no time to properly practice it. Oh, and also their starting center went AWOL the morning of the Super Bowl. 

Lmao is this Jennifer Cohen? 

First of all, how dare you.

The Steelers should give Le’Veon his money and shut their pie holes.

That punter’s name? Longinus.