Uncle Chigurh

She should have slapped the shit out of that official, I applaud her restraint.

All refs are cops and all cops are bastards.

The people complaining about stat nerds ruining baseball are the ones ruining baseball.

Oh, you mean Kaitlin Bennett? Yeah, she’s very unpleasant.

Why would Gruden want to reform the team in his own image? The only time he's ever had success as a coach is with someone else's players. 

You're literally employing the Nuremberg Defense here.

Yeah but everyone already knew about it because Azalea Banks blew up his spot. 

Yes, you can be fined for tanking. Nick Kyrgios has been disciplined for tanking several times, he was also hit with an eight week suspension a couple of years ago and his tanking played a large part in that (though there were other contributing factors.)

If Sergio Ramos doesn’t like it they should definitely do it.

^Things a racist says.^

You think he couldn’t see that he was bombing villages? I know he was a particularly shitty pilot but I’m sure he could at least see what he was dropping flaming death on.

Did you imagine you’d be stanning for a war criminal when you woke up this morning?

Even as a soldier he was a piece of shit. He dropped napalm on civilians.

While still managing to be incredibly racist.

So you’re saying she should dress like Goldust? Yes, I agree.


Norton’s Hulk wasn’t a bad movie, it was definitely enjoyable, it just wasn’t particularly memorable. I’d put it on par with Thor 2.

The publisher is responsible for amplifying this stupid take. They share in the blame.

The Three Amigos

You are a fucking insane moron.