Uncle Chigurh

She’s gonna love Morris.

A big part of the reason is that ice skating is low impact. It’s a lot easier on your joints, particularly your knees, than running.

Three Indiana Jones movies? What the hell are you talking about, there are only two Indiana Jones movies.

They also let the GM of the year go because the Kroenkes are cheap motherfuckers. I hate the Kroenkes.

Wanna see a dead body?

Natty Light?

John Sterling learned all the Italian he knows from @nycguidovoice

What, you don’t think having seven power forwards and one and a half point guards is a good thing?

Quit dong shaming.

Mike Malone might be the worst coach in the league. They should have fired him last year and given Chris Finch his job.

A fuckin cop

Feter Punt

Those Oilers/Titans teams were loaded. How many Super Bowls do they win if they have a real head coach?

I’m so sorry, I had no idea you were blind.

How about you pipe down you dumb honky.

How full is your diaper right now?

Every fucking time, dude.

A lot of the past kits are good. The best are the 1995 ones:


Nah, you’re definitely a dipshit, dude.