Imagine a turbocharged 787B...
The thing is, when you’re running WOT for 70%+ of 24 Hours, at 6000+ RPM, reliability and fuel economy take on new contexts. Doubly so when you only need the engine to last 4000 miles.
Maybe *you* enjoy hanging out at city council meetings and banging your head against the wall in a futile effort to convince politicians to change the status-quo with logic and reason, but that’s not something most people have time for.
That’s not the point, the point is whether the violation is justifiable. They could put a 45 mph speed limit on a six-lane highway and just ticket every single person for driving what’s reasonable on the road.
Two problems with cameras:
This looks way better than a PT Cruiser, definitely. It might even look actually good!
“Virtue signaling is bad, until it isn’t”
Ok, then I don’t want to hear anyone complaining about virtue signaling ever again.
Tire sounds too...
I really liked Lair. I still own my copy. The motion controls actually worked pretty well once they patched in the targeting reticle.
this time around it’s got an extensive campaign mode.
I see the tire sounds still haven’t changed since 20 years ago.
Deep Forest was awesome too. I even liked a lot of the more “realistic” fake tracks like Grand Valley and Apricot Hill. Gran Turismo probably has the best fake tracks of any race sim.
I really liked Andromeda the first time through. Even the fetch quests felt like I was out discovering the world, broadening the horizons, helping people out. And the main story missions had some genuinely great moments and set-pieces.
I think the C7 ZR1 wing looks fucking great, but that’s just my opinion I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I never meant to imply we’re getting dumber, but we are offloading skills to computers. Which isn’t inherently a bad thing either (at least when it comes to rocket design)! But it means that old designs don’t translate directly to the modern world.
Yeah have to lift yourself into the high cars? And what about...chairs?