
If someone is sitting in the driver’s seat, the driver.

But why no Mazdaspeed version/badge?

I always got the impression that Dan Harmon was an ADHD type that can focus hard on something for a while, before losing interest and moving onto the next interesting thing, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that production has come to grinding halt, regardless of CN’s involvement, which could be a consequence of Dan

In the current state of our civilization (and throughout recorded history) yes, enough money can effectively put you above the law.

People have been using nitrogen and a plastic bag to commit suicide for decades. It works.

Because they could add a few extra polygons and start printing money almost immediately.
Has anyone actually asked for a full-blown re imagining of the entire story?

Those were relatively untouched. A few backgrounds done in HD, some QoL additions (like fast forward, and auto saving), and that was about it.

Something similar happened to me with Rift. They tried to buy some special edition expansion or something.

Didn’t they say (early on, in the season where they go to the CDC) that everyone IS infected, but the act of dying or severe trauma causes the infection to overwhelm the immune system?

Good luck friend.

I had to look up who this was.


That clip perfectly encapsulates why I’m not too fond of PUBG. 30+ minutes of looting, sneaking, and hiding, culminating in 20 seconds of action. Rinse, repeat.

Thank you for being the rational voice. Not everything calls for knee jerk reactions.

I took a Kar98 to the head last night because of this, and it didn’t even lead anywhere.

I only picked it up because I had a few friends that played and I wanted to join them, regardless of what they were playing.

I called this immediately when the remake was announced. Squenix has a history of ruining their old franchises.

It’s very easy for people to dismiss or criticize things they don’t understand.

I still pirate music because I don’t like being tethered to Apple’s ecosystem, and I generally only like 1 or 2 songs on an album, so I can’t justify full price.