
Why does it have to be priced cheap?

Or just make the road a private road. Problem solved.

I’m enjoying the pacing now too, but I agree with you. Combined with the shorter jumps from a patch or 2 ago, this makes the initial few minutes crucial.

They’re not parallel (at least 3 isn’t) the books take place before the games but I haven’t played the first 2, so I don’t know if there’s any overlap. Andrzej Sapkowski has gone on record stating that he’s not a fan of the games, and their stories are not canon in his opinion. 

My favorite Chun Li theme remake is on the Street Fighter Compilation “RE:”MIX Chiptune album.

They haven’t aged well.

The books don’t cover the events of the first 2 games though.

Is this the SNES version, or the DS version with the extra content?

I think that’s unlikely.

I tried playing this game, but maybe I’m just stupid, because I couldn’t get past that first end boss, and with no save points in between, I just gave up.

I think maybe that’s why I didn’t care for Wolfenstein 2 nearly as much as the first.

But he did it in less than 12 twelve parsecs! 

I am of the opposite opinion.

It’s Kimi “Iceman” Raikkonen. He probably didn’t care, beyond being retired from the race for something that wasn’t his fault.

You made me scroll all the way down to see the dog?!

Then why not word it that way. Instead of “Women paid less”

This is why I stopped playing CoD:Ghosts. Hearing the female grunts and screams of death and pain made me not want to play anymore.

I thought so too, but 95% of the women I’ve met that game, usually stick to things like Overwatch, or Fortnite. A couple of mainstream/hyped games.

There’s just you, a sheriff’s deputy with no backstory, motivation, or emotions of her own

End of an era.