Baseball is background noise for having friends over and hanging out, just like NASCAR is background noise for getting drunk on cheap beer and Golf is background noise for taking a nap.
Baseball is background noise for having friends over and hanging out, just like NASCAR is background noise for getting drunk on cheap beer and Golf is background noise for taking a nap.
More interesting than actually watching a game of baseball at least. But then again just about anything is.
Love this mode, but being forced back in general population chat makes me want to give up on humanity.
Things like being killed with a port-a-fort are why Fortnite is obnoxious to me. It’s like the game is built for trolling/griefing.
I feel like Link wouldn’t be one of those shitty internet people who criticizes under the extremely transparent guise of caring about someone’s health.
It didn’t stop being funny 20 years ago.
Fortnite (welfare pubg) is only popular because its free. If people had to actually pay for it the player base would dwindle. The building mechanic is total garbage and subtracts from the tension of an online shooter.
Yes, but...if you hold B will they let you run?
I know you were being sarcastic, but I just wanted to say that “pedophilia” (as we call it nowadays) really is culture, and not just in Japan, but all over the world (yes, even in the West). It’s a culture that we have since rejected and demonised, but it’s culture nonetheless.
when you’re in the corner of a sword-wielding, mentally-ill woman who just attempted the murder someone allegedly over video games, you may need to rethink your life choices...
People are way too excited for this...
Hehe. How original.
We can fix that.
In lieu of “elegant” could you just make a youtube playlist?
Rip PUBG, shoulda developed more than loot crates
I was actually really looking forward to Mario Tennis. But these gimmicks shots, especially that motion control shot, might make this a pass for me.
Oooooh, Spotify. No thank you. :D
If he didn’t personally identify her and just described her “condition,” he didn’t violate HIPAA. If she hadn’t tweeted “Hey, that’s me!” no one would have known it was her.
All of these companies, however, work for Jason, and delay games at his every whim.
No, I didn’t listen. Didn’t pretend to listen. Between Kotaku and io9, however, half of the articles are about whitewashing/under-representation/racism/sexism/etc so I figure my over-under on being correct is better than a Major League batting average. Just kind of over the whole thing after getting kicked down to the…