
That feeling and the terrible return policies are why I will often pirate games before buying.

I agree with you, and I think the industry’s hard on with piracy comes from greed.

I think he means trouble morally, not financially. Those tend to me mutually exclusive.

Disappointed, yes. But not surprised.

But I imagine it was easier, faster, and simpler to just download the crack than deal with the runaround of getting Steam or Ubisoft to fix the problem.

I was about to buy FF12 on Steam until I saw it uses Denuvo, so that’s one less sale.

I was disappointed to learn the FF12 on PC is using Denuvo.

That’s one of the things I’m waiting for before pulling the trigger on the Switch (still salty about the Wii U).

If it was identical, maybe.

Jesus christ.... I just realized I liked Phantom Menace more than this movie...

So what you’re saying is don’t bother buying a Switch because they’d rather roll out f2p money makers... gotcha.

Exactly. That’s why I haven’t pulled the trigger on the Switch. I played exactly 1 game on my Wii U, which was BotW.

I would imagine (if you wear clean socks all the time) your feet are cleaner than your crotch.

They don’t think that. They KNOW they can do that.

I used to look for free washing machines online to strip for parts. I’d make fire pits out of the tubs, but I had to stop.

That’s what you’re supposed to do, yes.

I dated a girl who never washed below her chest in the shower. Her theory was that the soapy water will run down and clean everything else..

I imagine you’ve been vigilant enough to never have left wet clothes in the washer for extended periods of time.

It’s got its good points, like the Xbox-style staggered analog stick layout and one piece d-pad

The current version, I want to say it’s flawless