
I hated when my mom would ask me that. My default answer was always “Fine.”

Playing it feels a lot like being invited to loud, garish party that you leave feeling just okay.

I enjoyed the hell out of that race.

I still don’t quite understand what it is.

They should take a note from WoW’s book.

Shutting down the trackers was the reason I stopped playing, and this was the only F2P game I’ve ever spent money on.

Would be fitting, no? They’re all about that balance.

the movie was already stuffed to the brim with plots and characters

I would use it for piracy, but not for Switch games. I just want a high quality, portable emulation machine.

It might be time to invest in a Switch before they change the hardware.

On newer Samsungs, is it possible to remove that Bixby screen that used forced on you?

Not unusable friend. Emulators will save your tortured soul.

I haven’t used a Samsung in years. Do they still force that Bixby thing on you?

That’s more or less what happened with Fortnite

It’s frustrating far more often that it is satisfying.

What’s wrong with that? Quarantine them to their local regions.

I like this idea. I’d love an option to be matched with local players, and have the radius expand until the game is filled.

I would love to play on a server limited to all English speaking players.

Anyone want a free copy? I bought it without realizing I already had it in my library. Damn you Steam.

Anyone want a free copy? I bought it without realizing I already had it in my library. Damn you Steam.

Because he’s a shithead that doesn’t like anything that he doesn’t believe is worth his time, and enjoys being passive aggressive about his shittiness.