
I find that hard to believe, especially given his prior conduct, and himself admitting that the name was inappropriate. This is just a shitlord whining because his antics got his wrist slapped and he’s trying to save face in front of his followers.

I’d gladly sacrifice some safety for a fun and affordable vehicle.

Makes about as much sense the non-modded bike.

Are you being purposely obtuse?

As someone who has lived with girlfriends, I don’t see the big deal. It’s a natural part of female anatomy, and perhaps a consequence of tight fitting undergarments they might choose to wear.

Meanwhile, Amazon Canada has it for $90...

Meanwhile, Amazon Canada has it for $90...

You’re right. I’m sure someone that would choose ‘Bike Cuck’ as a name would be a perfectly pleasant individual to converse with.

It’s believable, barely, but fits in the grand scheme of the Switch.

The bloody thing makes combustion engine noises. Come on!

I don’t even care if the next game takes place in the god damned Summerset Isles at this point.

That completely ripped me out of the immersion. This feels like some hack-job modder putting my little pony into Skyrim..

Damn. I had hoped to be able to play FC5, but I guess I’ll have to wait until next Winter

None of this is new to MMOs, or even video games in general.

The smoother framerate makes his walking seem slow. I wonder if they’ll change that.

I liked FF13, despite Lightning being a weak character IMO. I tried FF13-2 but I hate the idea of having to ‘pokemon’ my team, and then I never bothered with FF13-3.

It’s too bad the game only took 10 hours to beat.

Men in power have been sexual exploiting other human beings for as long there have been people on this planet. This is nothing new.

That’s fantastic! I’m happy for you Dice/EA...

She looks like Dexter’s sister.

And they’re going to get rid of Resilience on gear right?