
I’m 33 and my mind is still consumed with pogs.

Deadpool turned down Trump!

Sorry it’s all I can think of.

So Canadian Tuxedo and Russian Mobster Track Suits, got it.

This all looks like the 90s normcore thrift-store shit that every kid in Seattle is wearing even though they were born in 1998. It just feels like a Value Village fashion show, you know? I used to work at Value Village, so I’m like an expert here. However, I will ride this trend as long as the resell shops keep

Let’s be honest. This is all pretty terrible. I can’t even imagine the price point on this garbage. I already own jeans and hoodies and I don’t wear them on my high-fashion days.

Nice Canadian Tuxedo, top left pic!

Asking for real here. Would it be appropriation or racism if they’d dressed up Liu Wen as a geisha?

Racism is when someone thinks a race a beneath theirs, this was not racism. She thought a kimono was hip and didn’t take into account the cultural significance.

My question is: Why are you so concerned with what Chris Evans is doing with his dick? Like, do you want to put it in your mouth? That’s fine. I too, hope that one day I will be able to put Chris Evan’s dick in my mouth.

The fact that Tom Hiddleston is only 4 months older than me makes me feel like I’ve done nothing with my life.

It’s not that people want DC films to fail. We want them to stop doing what they’re currently doing and make room for something that won’t fail.

I didn’t think he was bad. He was not as charming as most other Bruce Wayne’s. However, no one could get out of that muck of a script. I think Ben’s body of work as a director has been pretty decent. Zack Snyder however, couldn’t direct a can of Cambell’s soup.


Seriously though—this is how we should protest Trump’s administration, just follow these executives and cabinet members around everywhere with bells yelling “shame.”

Having your cake and eating it is a wonderful combination.

Counterpoint: when white people speak out on such issues, they’re told that they are speaking over or speaking for PoC.

I guarantee those members were voting for the Inhofes of the world, too. But, hey. Iowa is going to be sliding on down there as we continue to cut expenditures to schools. They’ll just keep pushing kids through a system and claim that since we’re number one in the country for high school graduation rates, education is