
We have GOT to get that sweet, sweet Capital Gains money. And no super majority required!

It’s...not great. But we hope to change that. It *is* changing and there is a lot of cool stuff starting to seep in, we just need to keep pushing.

*high five* Coming back next week?

They want to privatize education.

We’re going to be back on her lawn and back in her house on Monday.

After they passed HB1010xx last week, the Legislature assumed we would take our $6k and call off the walkout. Understand that the $6k only makes up for a decade of inflation. (My paycheck is 15% weaker than when I started teaching in ‘09.) Then on Thursday, they repealed a part of the deal that amounted to $50

Generally, I hate a lot of different kinds of people. But these anti-vax/anti-med shit heads are some of the fucking worst. Like if you put this woman and Richard Spencer next to each other I’d have a hard time deciding who to punch first.

I was listening to the WellRED podcast a couple weeks ago and someone said (either the guest or Drew and by the way, why aren’t you listening to this show?) that Goop is upper-class, white lady witchcraft. Or something to that effect. They aren’t wrong but I felt it was a dis to actual craft practitioners.

This sounds like the perfect time for a gift card. “I want you to do something nice and sexy for yourself but I neither want to presume nor do I actually want to know.”

The Grey Gardens sequel is going to be awesome.

I’m hoping the cast of GoT shows up but to work as ushers and shit.

Went to take my geriatric dog on a short walk this evening. Got about 20 yards from my house when I notice a large man walking down the middle of the street while a small, unleashed dog running around. “She won’t hurt nothin!” he assured me as she started running toward me and my dog. Sure, guy. So I planted myself

Because it doesn’t work with visual story telling when you can’t see anyone’s faces. They would all just be fur-clad dudes, one of which is shorter than the others. And that’s not me, that’s the costume designer/show runners. You don’t cover your heroes faces.

Un. Fucking. Helpful.


Holy fuck this is the winner.

Yeees! Started watching her a few weeks ago.

I heard a rumor it was both. Like, alternating or something. Don’t quote me.


the Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show,