
Literally sat in a representative’s office today and he said he will never vote to increase taxes because businesses wouldn’t come then. I pointed out that they aren’t coming now, so....

Best sign I’ve seen posted from the march:

Guuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, that is GOOD tea!

Knock those empty heads together ‘til they fucking break apart.

Thank you!
I lost a friend to AIDS in the ‘80s. He’d been HIV+ for a while but the knowledge and the meds just weren’t quite there yet. If only... if only he’d not been infected for even just 18 more months... he might have caught the meds wave. Instead, he washed up on the shore. God, I miss him.

Alternately, I have

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

The story on NPR said that the victim had already gone to the Post and they were going to publish soon anyways.

A bullet only costs like 30 cents.

The sentencing guidelines factor in time off for good behavior. If this guy keeps his nose clean, he could be out as early as 2217.

America’s drive-thru attitude towards getting married is ridiculous...

I don’t know who she is, but her concave stomach is hard to look at.

I feel personally attacked by this list.

Unless infertility or cancer runs in your family it’s a waste of money to freeze your eggs. Freezing embryos makes it much more likely that would get pregnant than freezing eggs at this point.

1. Pumpkin pie is delicious.

Anna’s opinions are the only right opinions, on both the racist nature of this otherwise excellent holiday and on pie. Also:

They raping everybody out here.

From a comment I made elsewhere: You can decry an institution or societal convention as damaging and wrong while also being glad that trans people are not being specifically singled out for mistreatment or exclusion.

Most people don’t. And I’m not anti-surgery, in the sense that people should feel free to do what they like with their faces/bodies.

So, probably Michelangelo?