
The “I don’t see the problem” commentary coming from mostly male readers is exactly how and why this was created in the first place.

So because people didn’t complain about what was then a niche character 20 years ago in Batman, nobody can talk about complaints with an entirely different character in a completely different series from totally different creators?

Disney recently announced that they’re making a “buddy cop” series with Falcon and Bucky. They just now announced they’re making a Cassian Andor series. Nothing is beyond the pale at this point.

Literally sat in a representative’s office today and he said he will never vote to increase taxes because businesses wouldn’t come then. I pointed out that they aren’t coming now, so....

Best sign I’ve seen posted from the march:

How did Maz get Anakin’s saber?

I had no problems wither her parents being no-one, that was one thing I think TLJ did right.

Let’s not assume Luke did anything other than slightly delay the Resistance’s total destruction. :)

If the movies are interconnected, then you need a plan.

They only time there was an overarching plan for Star Wars was when they were making the prequels. Historically, it’s not worked well for them :P

Eh. There are plenty of people who have lost their minds about Skywalker’s “deconstruction”.

We’re talkinf about the films, friend. Not comics. I am talking about the film franchise as its own entity. I refuse to be one of those nerds who constantly compares films to comics. The films are their own entity, full stop.

You’re missing the point so hard. Luke has already been built up. Decades ago.

And let’s not forget, Luke literally becomes his first mentor in that last fight — dying, just like Obi-Wan before him, to stall his twisted former apprentice so that the galaxy’s new hope(s) can escape to fight another day. In a sense, Luke finally understands Obi-Wan’s earliest lessons in his last moments (for all

My favorite and last discussion on FB about TLJ was some friend of a friend, talking about their theory on who Snoke actually was and asking if I wanted to know.
My only response is that there is nothing I could want to read less.
Then Fire and Fury came out which reset my floor.

Don’t get me wrong, there were things to not like in TLJ. But for the love of god, just watch 4-6 again if you want things to remain static.

Yeah, I know. He want the death of Superman to be like the death of hope. Unfortunately, he never actually allowed Superman to be a paragon of truth and justice for everyone. You can’t have one without the other.

This article just makes me mad all over again at all my friends who are so called Star Wars fans that bitched and moaned about this movie.

Not the same. By any possible means.