
They were confused by the absence of boob-armor, leather thongs, high-heel boots and thigh-high chainmail leggings.

Now I miss the people who were making crazy quantities of money by working ten minutes per day.

I’ve been to Chicago and had “proper Chicago pizza” several times.

Chicago pies are a very nice casserole ... but that ain’t pizza ;) 

Not a high-fashion thing, but I feel like clothing from many major retailers right now is (similar to current walk style) pretty boring. I’m having a tough time finding anything I am excited about wearing. I walked into Top Shop and turned right around to head back out because none of it was for me.

I, for one, came to see Jon’s naked body and was not disappointed.

Has they show itself actually mentioned the names of Rhegar’s two younger children?

Does it?

No, it’s a good question, and one that doesn’t get asked or answered enough. I was a terror as a teen, and went to a parochial girls’ school as well, so nobody could pull any guff on me. But women in general are trained to be submissive, and not to make a fuss, and even if you are powerful and famous, many women

“Fuck it we’ll just do it live”! - H.B Oreilly

No it’s not, it makes perfect sense. The Lannister/Tarly army and their large wagon train being attacked when they’re at their most vulnerable, spread out and tired from marching, and their least well guarded section hit with overwhelming force when the vanguard and most of the army (which in this case was with the

“Jesus Christ. I’ve been mentally tortured by two different people, raped, and the best relationship I’ve had has been with Tyrion Lannister who I hated but at least he wasn’t just the worst....and -I’m- the one with the least PTSD? What the fuck is wrong with you people? How am -I- the sane one here?”

Julianne is either continuously trolling us or she needs her recap card revoked, besause every GOT recap usually has at minimum 100 words dedicated to an obviously false plot point. Maybe instead of researching the melting point of gold, she could rewatch the episode and listen to the dialogue?

Yep, it started out with “plot device for getting the Golden Company to fight against Daenarys and then dramatically switch sides has safely made it into King’s Landing.”

Also, no GOT thread tonight? Really want to discuss it with strangers - because posting about it on facebook spoils the show for other people. Whereas talking about it an open thread with strangers who’ve clicked on it because they’ve already watched’s a great outlet. Jaime! Bronn! Arya! Brienne of

I think Chapelle is held to a higher standard because he was treated by the media as a rare comedic voice that speaks about race with insight and wit, showing a delicate touch when making jokes based on stereotypes. From there, he was portrayed as extremely principled for walking away from a huge paycheck out of

I think in part that’s because the sort of white comedians who say these terrible things are, for lack of a better term, unsalvageable. I’m not going to care as much when Larry the Cable Guy says something like this because, I mean, who expects any better of him? But Dave Chappelle is someone who should be on our