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He’s in the latest King Kong film. He has played a vampire. If he was one of those *ahem* serious actors, he wouldn’t touch those type of roles with a ten foot pole. For Pete’s sake, the guy was on Robot Chicken. (Sounding remarkably like John Hurt.... They edited his voice to be a bit higher.)

What you or I think about his braininess is actually irrelevant. His double-first from Cambridge speaks for itself.

um the kitties don’t NEED accessories. they WANT them. because they are infinitely more stylish than doggos.

No snark. Proud owner of a rescue lab mix. This is Chief. I know it sounds trite, but he knows he was rescued and he is the best goddamn dog I have ever known. Pure heart. Please, if you are considering getting an animal, go to a shelter near you.

I got both of my dogs from the local shelter. They have their quirks, but scientifically speaking: they are both good dogs.

Good for them, babies are great. That photo, though....that’s pretty fucking awkward.

I think he means a science-flask? Like an Erlenmeyer.

Also this picture.


I think it might - might - be a joke.

Oh, get a grip. OP is just making remark that she (?) can’t see herself dating someone that much older or younger, but if it works for them, great.

Perhaps. Then again, maybe not. I guess we’ll be in suspense until the next time.

Apparently my plan is going through the stones in Scotland, ending up in 18th century and meeting someone named Jamie.

The very nano-second that you see the government support gun restrictions you will know the government is afraid of revolution from the left.

Suddenly all those 2nd amendment nuts are making some good points.

Done. Let’s just keep this a secret between you and I (me?-I always get that wrong). Don’t want those Pearl Clutchers getting their knickers in knot over child safety.

I would not have expected Ed Asner to outlive Mary Tyler Moore.

Was it an Illinois Nazi? I hate Illinois Nazis.

Harrison Ford, known conservative and LeBeouf associate, made a good portion of his millions from his ability to convincingly punch Nazis. THIS IS A BIPARTISAN ISSUE, PEOPLE.