
I’m hoping the cast of GoT shows up but to work as ushers and shit.

He only thinks he didn’t read the whole script.

They just did a fantastic job on that arm. It will be hard to top.

Yeah, I took it to mean, “you could at least recognize me [from those two times you shot me]”

Went to take my geriatric dog on a short walk this evening. Got about 20 yards from my house when I notice a large man walking down the middle of the street while a small, unleashed dog running around. “She won’t hurt nothin!” he assured me as she started running toward me and my dog. Sure, guy. So I planted myself

Shoulda brought this guy!

I know the show has lost something this season - depth, time, layers, what have you. But the spectacle...fuck me in the ass! It’s like we went from enjoying fine wine to doing shots and I’m willing to be okay with that! And fuck it, let Dany and Jon boink each other’s brains out. They earned it.

Because it doesn’t work with visual story telling when you can’t see anyone’s faces. They would all just be fur-clad dudes, one of which is shorter than the others. And that’s not me, that’s the costume designer/show runners. You don’t cover your heroes faces.

That’s one “beast with two backs” I would not mind watching.

Maybe it will? I’m not saying the show isn’t leaning on J/D pretty hard but that’s no guarantee of anything long-term. They might bang, they might even really like each other...and then she dies or something. Jon marries Sansa and has to deal with that shit. Who knows?

To us, maybe. (Google “avunculate marriage”, btw. It was totally a thing.) But they have absolutely no idea they’re related. Hot young heads of state like boning. I say let them do it!

*fingers crossed* This is a ruse put on by Sansa and Arya.

If he can destabilize House Stark entirely, he may have an “in”. Perhaps that was why he tried to win Bran over by giving him the dagger. He’s just a boy, like Robin, right? (No.)

I say Beric is out. He can die, he just has a buddy who keeps bringing him back. So if Thoros goes an no one has a red priest handy, he’s toast.

Un. Fucking. Helpful.

As a lady-type person who has often dressed as her favorite dude-type persons, I encourage all you dudes out there to embrace the lady characters you love. Dude-ify your costume or go in full drag, either way, it’s the best!


Holy fuck this is the winner.

Yeees! Started watching her a few weeks ago.

I hope the people of King’s Landing enjoy the taste of gold.