
I assume it alluded to the kiss Ellaria gave Myrcella.

I heard a rumor it was both. Like, alternating or something. Don’t quote me.

I’m not sure they didn’t just build a time machine.

I wish they did more of these extras. I’m still waiting for a “Sam Wilson babysits Bucky while Steve is off being Nomad.”

I explicitly put that parenthetical in there so you would know I was not implying that your comments were interpreted as hostile, unless you wanted them to be, which I cannot tell from text.

It’s rough, I’ll grant you. I’m giving them some benefit of the doubt because chemistry is hard to pull off when your characters are in an awkward, combative situation. Yes, it can and has been done successfully on this show. (Davos/Mel off the top of my head.) I’m hoping that something will give and they can pull the

She’s suck a fucking gem.

She has a taste for blood now. Looks like the promo for next week was hinting at that. It would be nice if Jon, not Tyrion, was the one to drop some truth bombs next week. Better yet, maybe he could offer a useful strategy. That would probablily get her all moist in the nethers.

I loved the slow-mo shot of Drogon just laying it down.

I knew Jon wanted blood but I liked how Theon wasn’t sure for a second. Also the “ the only reason I’m not killing you right now.” line was great.

And did anyone else notice the “Do you know who this dagger belonged to?” line? That dagger was/is important.

So I gotta know, and I’m not trying to pick a fight here, do you not expect there to be some level of Jon/Dany interaction in the book? I know D&D are just filling in between the specific things George has told them. I know things will not go down in the books the same way they are on the show. (We have 9 hours of

In the books, yes. Unclear in the show.

That was last week’s episode.

Tyrion’s advice for Dany next week:

Hopefully Bronn also enjoys Marvel films.

Okay. I just see everything as being compartmentalized.

Sharon just never grabbed me the way Peggy did. I’ll give the actress the benefit of the doubt and blame lack of character development.

Agreed. She went from “new character” to “that lady that Steve kissed”. Now I don’t really care because it seems that was her character arc.