
The massive information dump, for one. Might have had an effect on his perception.

Ding! He sees these events and understands that they fit together but lacks the experience to appreciate the gestalt.

Yes. And then he talked about another part of that evening.

I mean, he didn’t reference the rape specifically. He talked about the wedding. Sansa is the one who made the connection. Someone else mentioned a detachment from humanity and I don’t entirely disagree. Bran realizes she was later raped that same night but he was only seeing the particular moment of the wedding. I

And seeing the Red Keep destroyed and covered in Snow...I’m hoping she’s just playing close to the best for now.

And Littlefinger would know about wire-tapping from those season he spent on The Wire.

A lot happened for him mentally between the attack at the cave and arriving at the wall.

I really enjoyed the first 20 minutes. The last 2, however, had me crying more than the last 6 seasons. I have enjoyed Ollena so much and she just went out like a fucking boss.


Hell, maybe Bran specifically told them not to tell anyone. (Though your explanation seems more likely.) As it was pointed out above, Bran was Robb’s heir and that could throw a wrench in the works. Though I really don’t see him rolling up to Winterfell and telling Sansa to GTFO and barring the gates against Jon.

Technically, yes, he was next in line behind Robb. But given his current status, I don’t see him actually wanting the position. Plus, Jon became king under extraordinary circumstances and Bran’s legitimacy wouldn’t necessarily trump Jon in this situation.

Yeah....that’s a pretty glaring omission.

Fuck yeah Sancho Panza!

the Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show,

Ah, if that was in Dance then I wouldn’t know.

Indeed. Of all the dunces on this show, Davos ain’t one of ‘em.

I think Dany is going to rethink her battle plans in the light of her armada’s destruction. Like, she was going to be nice but not anymore. The unsullied will take the Rock and the Dothraki will initiate operation “Get fucked, cunts!” upon the Lannister and Tarly forces while they lay siege to Highgarden.

Or, “Is that a chicken pie?”

It involved a cave.

Totally. “Oh, and by the way, we have THIS!”