
*misses dead friend*

I’ve only ever heard it said by children.

You “unfurl” someone off? Classy.

Wait - Which season of True Detective? Or is this a “There is only one season of TD what are you talking about???” kinda thing?


Good points! BotB is one of the greatest examples (if not the best) of melee-based, medieval style battle in cinematography. But I don’t think I’ve/we’ve ever seen a fight like Hardhome. I love both but like you said, speechless.

I don’t think so. The two are so different in tone that, IMO, it’s comparing apple and oranges. Hardhome was an ambush and massacre. And the panic and chaos is chilling. (Ya like that, eh?) BotB is more straight-up battle. It also has a lot of great things going for it so no one get all butt hurt, okay?

Things like this make me think I would actually have a shot at being a successful costume designer.

What a thing to say...


I know it’s not Bill Paxton or Pullman. Is it a Bill? Argh!

This show is on at the gym whenever I’m there. Someone please tell me which actor this guy looks like. I can’t even remember the name of a movie he’s in to look it up myself.

(Meanwhile, Turkey loses access to Wikipedia.)

Also, things cannot be described as “best” anymore. They are now “most good”.

“But men too!”

The MPDG is not a bad thing on her own. Free-spirited women can be great! It’s that these women are written for the express purpose of teaching a man how to be happy, or bring happiness to his life that is the problem. She exists only to solve his problem. And this is not to say that free-spirited women can’t make men

I would add that Arya was a total brat during her time with the Faceless Men.