
A friend in college sold high-end sewing and embroidery machines. The top model she had in her shop was $8k. I told her for that price, that shit better pre-wash, dry, and iron the fabric and brew fresh coffee.

And you know that shit is going to smell RIPE after a could days. Not unless you blast the insides of the bag with a steam cleaner.

My sister-in-law asked if I would have any interested in her mother’s barely-used Bernina Artista 170.

When I first read the books, I hated her. Watching the show - and being a few years older - helped me realize that 1) When you, the reader, know everything that’s going on, you can’t condemn the characters for their lack of omnipotence and 2) Sansa is a sheltered, naive teenage girl. And she behaves exactly as one


I assume they cut it from the show to help streamline things and make Bran stand out more but I wish they had left some of the dreams/warg stuff in,for the other characters. Maybe Jon will start having sPoOkY dReAmS since his resurrection.

Meera’s quads and glutes are going to be shredded.

Varys was hoping to start a Slavers’ Bay volleyball league. (Someone photoshop that for me, eh?)

Nope, not literally. I really enjoy the show and find half of the written stuff to be a boring, plodding mess...JUST LIKE LOTR. Honestly, I think people give GRRM way too much credit. He throws in every plot thread he comes up with and now he’s too burnt out/bogged down to care anymore. I will eat my copy of GoT if

I’ve said all this before but it bears repeating: The show let me see Sansa in a different light than the books and I realized I’d been unfair to her character.

Still rowing.

Your kinja handle/pic killed me. I am typing from beyond the grave.

I think we’re supposed to believe that Sansa has been shaped into some kind of master political tactician by her experiences. Personally, I don’t buy it. I do like the character well enough but she’s little more than a pawn for power in the North at this point. I’m wondering if the Big Payoff will be her totally

I was wondering about where one acquires 8,000 sets of sleeves for the Unsullied uniforms but then decided they’re like action figures that come with their own accessories in-box.

That would be the joke.

I heard he went to work for Buzzfeed.

I cannot recommend the Anglerfish video enough. They have the best sex life!

God I wish I was thin.

Crow is fine but Servo doesn’t stand out enough from the other two. I miss the bravado.

You fucking dork.