
If Trump criticizes Bannon, Bannon might hit him.

He moonlights as a barbarian in WoW.

*watches Iron Fist trailer*

Sometimes even Europe is wrong.

Yeah, I’m not worried about it. Everyone will have a moment, even if it’s only a cameo. I trust the Russo Bros. to focus on the important stuff without making the rest feel contrive.

I want to start a “Progressive Gun Lovers” club...just as soon as I get my Mossburg 500 Tactical shotgun.

I mean, really, Lupita could wear anything in any color and make it look great. Grrr!

Right? Isn’t that part of their guiding philosophy? Ethnic cleansing and getting punched in the face? Also stomped on.

Douse them in bleach and store them in a vacuum sealed bag for the next several weeks.

“Have you ever heard of a place called Speedy’s?”

OKC March anticipated 4,000 people and got 12,000 instead. Not bad for a fly-over city deep in the Red.

I like the color well enough but it looks like a lab uniform from original Star Trek. The matching gloves and three-quarter sleeves make her arms looks very long and I feel like she’s about to perform a rectal exam on someone.

It is. I used to teach high school. It kept me up on what the kids were saying.

That dress is hot fire.

Now playing

He’s a big supporter of The Gays, also. He’s not super public about it but I think that is mostly to do with not wanting to seem exploitative of his younger brother.

I was cool with C-Pine before but this got him so many stars in the kinja of my heart.

I don’t even want to think about the long term damage his internal organs have sustained. The body does some amazing/horrible things to itself to survive.

What can people not care about this? I was wrong. I skimmed the article. Nike. Twigs. Blah blah blah. Creative director. I don’t plan to go posting my misinformation on social media or shouting it in the streets. God willing, I’ll have forgotten this is even a thing by the end of the day.

Okay. I’m wrong. moving on.