
Fixed it.

Eh, I thought it was Reeves also.

If a 15 y/o girl drew a picture like this of a 15 y/o female character, I wouldn’t bat an eyelash. A grown ass Man drawing sexy pictures of a 15 y/o does nothing to discourage the idea that men are nothing but physically mature children who want only to eat and fuck.

And if they drew her how an average 15 y/o might look, the 12 y/o boys would still see her as sexy and attractive.

Super green.

Right. Just say BLACK PEOPLE. We know that’s what you mean because Trump seems to think all black people live in the inner city next to the Mexicans.

I had a dermal piercing by my right cheekbone removed yesterday. It had been two and a half years and the jewelry was well on its way to migrating out of my skin. So I went in to my preferred professional piercing parlor to have it removed. And guess what! They unscrewed the jewel from the post and pulled that mother

Unless you’re fat. Then you’ll need to buy a second seat on your own dime.

Jealousy is how assholes experience admiration.

Too bad she didn’t have this brainwave prior to 1969.

That’s, easy: HIM or GTFO.

Now playing

Probably my favorite moment from SpongeBob:

Oh, I got it backwards! I thought he said he was more of an action transvestite.

Something important to remember: the term transexual is referring to the place the aliens (Frank, Rif, and Columbia) are from. Frank refers to himself only as a transvestite. And correct me if I’m wrong, isn’t transvestite the name they use for their species? They are Transvestites from Transexual, Transelvania.

And not just a transvestite, an action transvestite. (Running, jumping, climbing trees.)

My older sister was an “oocher”, as my mother put it. She laid on her back and ooched, that it, she pushed herself along with her feet. There was a brief period of crawling between ooching and walking.

Maybe Mary thinks praying for oil is the same as praying for rain.

I could go on about what a delightful and under appreciated gem this film is. Instead I’ll just say I liked Ant Man more than GotG and Ant Man was my favorite part of Civil War.

If you haven’t watched the extended version of that scene, you need to get on it pronto!