
1340s Europe. You got the 100 Years War and Yersinia Pestis.

True but this is Mr. Gilt Marble Pent House were talking about here. Decongestants are for poors!

Someone set up a GoDundMe.

No but he probably burned a hole through his with that sweet, sweet nose candy.

Kitten Academy Live Streeeeeaaaaammmm! This couple fosters kittens at their home in Indiana. They’ve had a litter for a few weeks now and just got a new litter this afternoon.

I agree on the chemistry part. I’ve never really warmed to her character but I liked her best when she was interacting with Frank. And I definitely don’t want her to be his love interest.

Political Animals (miniseries) in 2012.

A couple comments are firmly in the “poison” end of the spectrum with others drifting toward “ineffective”. I’m off to do some research.

This. People forget so easily - or are simply ignorant to - the fact that Fifi and Fido can’t fucking eat everything you eat. (10 points for alliteration.) Had a friend who swore his cat liked to get high because the cat would come sit next to him whenever he lit up.

Okay, so he checks the “Caucasian” box on his census. Wasn’t looking to start a thing so I’m gonna peace out.

Watching other stuff on Netflix? Excuse the fuck outta me.

So it’s not just me.

Holy shit! I forgot he was in Reign of Fire.

Technically one white person and a Chilean person.

I’m disappointed we haven’t seen more of Mr. Pascal since season 4 of GoT ended. I thought he did an Emmy-worthy job as Oberyn and figured he would be a hot pick. :-/

So is Forest Whitaker a good actor who occasionally does bad movies or a mediocre actor who accidentally gets it right on occasion?

Thanks! So much has been written about this in the last 24 hours that it makes it hard to keep up.

Do anyone figure out whether or not he was married at the time this was recorded?

If You Get Blackout and See Girl on a Train Then Watch It Again Sober You Get Two Movies For the Price of One

Additionally, too many white people think slavery is the sum total of black history. Slavery > MLK > Things are Fine. So they are either willfully ignorant or just...ignorant.