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I first heard of HGB because of They Might Be Giants. Now I know more about her!

I’m not quite ready to jump on the “luuuuurv” train just yet. I’m totally open to the I am the idea that he thought Lyanna was pretty and decided to snatch her up. Either way. She was quite a bit younger than Rhaegar, though. It could be completely possible that she *did* consent but because of her age, had

So I forgot about the whole changing faces thing for a second and imagined something out of Silence of the Lambs.

One of the best things a prof. ever told me was that to be a successful artist, you had to also be a successful businessperson. You set a schedule. You work. You keep inventory. You put a price on your time. If you are an artist, your job is your art. Don’t treat it any differently than waiting tables or sitting in a

If she has some real shit going on, cool. If it interferes with her ability to perform quality live shows consistently, she needs to no do live shows.

Or kill all the Lannisters with the exception of Tyrion. :-D That would certainly bring some houses together behind their banner.

Better yet, it’s Targaryen* incest.

I’d be shocked if Jon and Dany don’t bone before this show is over. And now they have the lovely parallel of being the Unburnt and the Defrosted.

I have some serious catching up to do on this show, if for no other reason than the costumes.

Like the man himself said: He can’t win. Too earnest? You’re creepy and trying to hard. Not earnest enough? Closet misogynist.

He is going to be consumed by both his need to elevate womankind and his self-doubt about doing it as a man. “How can I fix the problem if I am part of the problem!?!!?!? AHHHH *head explodes*”

My body “detoxed” after I got food poisoning. There were no more bodily fluids left to give.

Beat me to it.

I was scrolling through the main page and didn’t give the picture a good look, figuring a singer had done some moving tribute to Prince...and then I read the headline and actually gasped. I’d seen the pics of Zoe as Nina from other articles but this...this was somehow worse! HOW DID IT COME TO THIS?!?!?! Please, how

I’m going use this to daydream about a universe where I was so alluring that I had millionaires trying to bone me at an inappropriate age. What a life that would be!

I was raised on RC and my parents drink it to this day.

Hookers and blow. (Scroll up in the thread.)

Is that mother fucker wearing mascara?