
I really liked Ant Man but I kinda wish it had been “The Wasp” instead.

Or kill all the Lannisters with the exception of Tyrion. :-D That would certainly bring some houses together behind their banner.

Better yet, it’s Targaryen* incest.

I’d be shocked if Jon and Dany don’t bone before this show is over. And now they have the lovely parallel of being the Unburnt and the Defrosted.

I have some serious catching up to do on this show, if for no other reason than the costumes.

Like the man himself said: He can’t win. Too earnest? You’re creepy and trying to hard. Not earnest enough? Closet misogynist.

He is going to be consumed by both his need to elevate womankind and his self-doubt about doing it as a man. “How can I fix the problem if I am part of the problem!?!!?!? AHHHH *head explodes*”

Why argue around it? It is the reality of the canon. You are trying to apply real-world thinking to a fairy tale. But I do understand your argument.

You’re much closer with your example for brainwashing, though what you’re describing would more likely be classified as conditioning. And yes, the two are very closely related. In either example you give, they don’t apply to Bucky’s situation. He was not raised/traiend to be a Russian/HYDRA operative (as Black Widow

And while I love the Dark Knight Trilogy - and The Dark Knight specifically is fantastic - Batman Returns is still my favorite.

Veilen Dank

Still one of my all-time favorite comic book movie costumes.

I’m withholding judgment until I see BP on the big screen. I’m being nit-picky, but there have been a couple moments - in this scene and the Audi chase - where the suit looks...less awesome than all the other frames.

Side note: I like that Cap is allowed to show discomfort during fights. It might not stop him or even slow him down, but I’ll bet his shins hurt plenty from that jump.

I was going to type this big long thing about the differences between brainwashing and manipulation. (Spoiler Alert: Not the same thing.) Just keep this in mind: Not Real Woogie-Boogie Magical Comic Book Rules.

Better yet! “Mormon Vision”

Just when I thought Coulson’s hard-on for Cap couldn’t get stronger. (I’m behind on AoS.)

I forget this guy was also Cain on Supernatural. Acting: You’re doing it right!

“Bucky and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Life”

Looks like that machine is doing a pretty good job. #hugbox