
Where to begin...

As of May 20th, I will no longer be a high school teacher. I can’t stand them anymore.

Women are apparently box office poison.

That was some ninja-reflex shit. Two objects. Two separate hands. Only sorta looking at them directly.

...And I drank it.

I liked the way they did it in Jessica Jones.

If you want to be on your phone while you watch a movie, invest in a home theater system. Let us fogies gradually die out, enjoying the occasional summer blockbuster on the big screen.

Darn, you beat me to it! Two minds. One Futurama joke.

Precious hamburgers?

A German doctor working in South America? Seems legit.

And fans wonder why movies don’t follow the comics exactly...

He’s a casual action figure.

Yeah, I don’t see them going full-Zemo with the face mask and crown thing.

Tony’s so cool. Sittin’ back there, totally *not* at the table.

Do they still do smallpox vaccines anymore?

Wait...You’re joking right? RIGHT?!!?!

You must return to optimal fuckability as quickly as possible!

It’s McAvoy. And OB’s brown eyes are pretty hard to mistake. *sigh*