
I liked watching her pantomime her spell-casting in the AoU featurettes. She really gets into it.

I want to see a “yacht-owning yuppie” look: deck shoes, cardigan tied around the get it.

All the sand in Dorne cannot fill the Oberyn-sized hole in my heart.

My body “detoxed” after I got food poisoning. There were no more bodily fluids left to give.

I haven’t seen the Spidey post-trailer scene yet. I’m talking about the mid-credit scene. (Maybe you are too? I saw literally one second of the mid-credit scene before I closed the window. I have no idea what happens beyond that.)

I (no so) accidentally watch the first second of the mid-credit scene. I don’t know what I was thinking. I kinda hate myself.

Re: Civil War Post Credit Scenes

I’m looking forward to Bucky/WS getting a piece of the humor. He’s earned it.

Great! Now I’m going to have this eye-twitch for the rest of the day.

“See, its stuff like this that gives me trust issues.”

I think he caps out around 5 tons.

I’m looking forward to some Falcon/WS ass-kicking and maybe a couple of jokes for Bucky. I feel like he didn’t get the proper development in First Avenger (maybe because they weren’t sure he was going to stay dead yet) but he seemed like a swell guy. I hope he gets to have some of that back.

Beat me to it.

I was scrolling through the main page and didn’t give the picture a good look, figuring a singer had done some moving tribute to Prince...and then I read the headline and actually gasped. I’d seen the pics of Zoe as Nina from other articles but this...this was somehow worse! HOW DID IT COME TO THIS?!?!?! Please, how

Done and done! *salute*

I’ve never watched this show but I loved the premise. I’d hoped it would be a show I could binge watch at some future time.

I’m going use this to daydream about a universe where I was so alluring that I had millionaires trying to bone me at an inappropriate age. What a life that would be!

I was raised on RC and my parents drink it to this day.