
Hookers and blow. (Scroll up in the thread.)

Is that mother fucker wearing mascara?

I should have known better (I mean, people ship anything) but I didn’t know this was a thing. Maybe I just blocked it from my mind. But can I just say - because I need to tell someone - that I fucking hate Grant Ward. I don’t like the actor and I think the character is shit. If Ward isn’t toast by the end of the


I hope someone who isn’t Steve calls him Bucky in CW and Bucky is just straight up No.

Daenerys Targaryen: Make Westros Great Again

Agreed. The smartest people don’t always make the best leaders. Jon Snow is a much better leader than Tyrion but not as smart by half. (Which is saying something because Jon isn’t exactly a drooling idiot.)

Sansa and Margery for Co-Queen. Take that, City Hall!

The show taught me how unfairly I had shit on Sansa’s character while reading the books. She’s barely a teenager who has grown up in safety and relative isolation from the rest of Westros. She is fully invested in the romantic nonsense she’s been taught about chivalry and courtly life. Not her fault. Then she’s taken


Like many things in Marvel Cinematic Universe, the fact that Captain America 3is actually the huge crossover, Civil War, is totally Bucky’s fault.

D’oh! Whichever, lol.

I assume William is fulfilling a childhood dream. “I may be a future monarch but I will hug that Wookie, damnit!”

Eventually, yes. I have an ailing parent that is keeping me in OK for the time being.

Also - I just now noticed your kinja handle. A+

Wow. Thanks. It feels good to hear that. (I’m being serious.)

Your involvement is your student’s best defense/offence. Talk to your kid’s teachers. Get to know them a little. What do they say about the school environment? (Taken with a grain of salt, of course.) Join the PTA if possible (who has time?) OR find out who the union rep is for the school. They should have the skinny

I’m not sure. I was going to find a new teaching job with the hope that a change of scenery would solve some of the problems. And then 2 weeks after I turned in my letter of intent (to not return next year), the State of Oklahoma announced an additional 4% budget cut to all state agencies. This is on top of the 3% cut