
Guys, he just identifies as “transmilitary”, okay?

I’m also hoping for some Falcon/Bucky as the Odd Couple fun times.

I am curious to see if and how this plot thread plays out. On one hand, it is an obvious motivator for BP and IM. On the other, I worry that it’s going to be shoe-horned in without much development. “Oh, and by the way, that guy killed my parents!” *collective gasp*

This is more of a general response to the thread...

Just bought this shirt today. It’s a nice addition to my “I wonder if there’s beer on the sun.” - Rowsdower shirt.

I had a discussion with a friend this weekend about just this thing. He was raised on “math and prayer” and feels he is lacking in both academics and social skills. This is not to say that he is uneducated and problematic - he’s a smart guy and generally “good” in all respects. But he is quick to notice when he’s

She is getting deep into plastic territory.

She should have gone all chandelier or all silver leather straps.

I feel like her ass is about to evolve into a higher form.

See, I actually thought this made the Met Couch Dress acceptable.

Ha! You are too right.

The thought of Antonio Banderas using a sewing machine turns me on.

Gotta love Gabriel. He just appears and you’re knocked up.

Can someone please shop this pic to make Trump look like a derpy Immortan Joe?

Tell that to all the white slave owners who raped their female slaves.

I just started watching this show back in March and have steadily worked my way to the middle of season 8. I love it. My husband loves it. Maybe it’s because we haven’t been on this ride for 10 years or maybe it’s because we’re both in our 30s. Either way, we fire up each episode with zero illusions about what we’re

And it doesn’t just magically disappear, either. Jamie deals with the trauma for *years*. And not always in a silent and manly sort of way. Like, feelings are talked about. He cries about it. And no one tells him to STFU and get over it.