
It involves forced bestiality.

This makes me wonder about how that one guy is doing. The guy who wears the frilly shirts and the Rolls Royce hood ornament??? Romeo...something.

We certainly need all the rain we can get, I just wish it was a little less...ALL THE FUCK AT ONCE.

Going to see TMBG tonight. Dance in a nonsensical fashion!

So this is the second comment about unending rain so far. Is it just hella rainy everywhere? Where is everyone that it is raining so damn much?

Do you happen to live in Oklahoma?

The fuck is this shit?

The Baphomet in my Butthole.

Not that I had a real preference beyond “must be quilted 2-ply” before but I have refused to buy Charmin since the first Shitting Bear Family commercials aired.

I...kinda dig this. Feel free to judge. I can’t explain myself.

Maybe not so much with the abuse. It’s coming her way, to be sure, but she’s not the tragedy magnet she once was. I hope she either endures the abuse with hard-earned resiliance or uses it to her advantage...or both even!

Ohhhh...I think Sansa’s best option here is to ingraciate herself to Ramsay in some diabolical way. A sudden and tragic miscarriage, perhaps? And then when the Stannis-mobile rolls into town, throw the Boltons under the bus.

I’m giving her - and the show - a big, fat slice of Benefit of the Doubt. Yes, I want to smack her sometimes. But, like with my high school students, I have to believe that they will actually become productive adults. Dany will get her shit together.

I loved Stannis in that moment.

It’s sort of tantalizing, because the stakes are so huge — and meanwhile we see almost all of the show’s characters squabbling over petty scraps, by comparison.

Once upon a time, Early Teen Me was all about this shit.

He hid the jewels under this unfortunate eyebrow fold.