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I’m sure there will be totally reasonable takes on the Phos-Chek and have zero conspiracy theorists providing their expert opinions on the matter.

Mitch Rapp more likely with him being an American citizen and all.

Musk’s endgame was to siphon money and attention away from actual public transportation. That’s it, that’s the whole reason. And that’s not conjecture, he’s publically admitted that’s why he did it.

Have you ever seen a briefcase full of cash?  That’s likely part of the reason.

The reason you would be abandoning your vehicle would be the road is jammed to capacity such that it’s faster to run in terror.  So there wasn’t anywhere move your car to the side to keep the street clear.  If the street could be kept clear, you’d be in your car driving in terror faster than you could run in terror.

If they’re going to claim any federal funds after this fire, they’d better get them paid before Jan 22nd. I’m surprised Big Daddy hasn’t announced plans to F with them already.

ProPublica has been knocking it out of the park lately.  This story, the car tows in Connecticut, the mole that infiltrated a few militias.  Really excellent reporting that needs to be more common in America, especially over the next four years.

Musk, Trump, Thiel, et al. are megalomaniacal psychopaths. James Bond would be sent to kill every one of them.

Yup, here it comes... graft, kickbacks, shoddy work and labor practices that are cruel and unfair to workers. Send those non-union coal miners back underground for 10 hour shifts with no breaks, overtime or safety gear... fine by me; that’s what they voted for.

As a Floridian I too would like to send a giant FU to Gov DeSantis

easy to say, you are not sitting in a mile of unmoving traffic with cars already on the shoulder with a fire getting closer in your rearview mirror every minute.

Yeah, humidity can change the equation immensely.  I live in a desert, July rarely gets above 40% humidity unless it’s actually raining.  I visited San Antonio for a month one night and it was 70% humidity at the same temperate and I was dying.

I’m solidly GenX and I hate that. 

People who “forget” that they are carrying a firearm should be put on a “no buy” list for weapons.

11.2 billion dollars. That is the budget of the TSA.

I wish more media outlets were like ProPublica.  They’re doing Dog’s work.

The ingredients for the kind of person we know this guy probably is are all here: Lives in Phoenix- the Florida of the west. Check. Chevy Silverado in the garage. Check. Making lame comments about it not being made in China, which is just plain stupid. I’d bet money this is a generic, trump-supportin’ white dude who

This is arguably GM’s best ‘70s car, period.

NP on the Cadillac. But so you know it does not have Bosch fuel injection. It has Bendix fuel injection that was then licensed to Bosch to use in early 80s European cars. To the point you can use the fuel injectors on this car on a 80s Mercedes benz and VW.