
Probably tier 1 help desk where he helps people reset passwords for $28k a year. Or the admin of the network he setup in his Mom's basement.

Most businesses in America are small companies that do not have admins and rudimentary networks at best. Forget screensaver and lock policies.

You do realize that gay rights are only progressing because people are finally speaking out/coming out?

It's a new thing to those of us that do not live in states that get a ton of snow.

I used to live off the red line. The line that is apparently always out of service now.

I read a Forbes story on the founder of GoPro. He's now a billionaire (at least on paper). The first GoPro was literally a cheap camera in a box that he strapped to his wrist to take photos from inside waves when he was surfing.

Here's something most probably don't know...

That's awesome.

Isn't that the place the restaurant in Roseanne was based off of?

They do pay and depending on the purpose of the trip or other restrictions, it may just be pool members.

You don't hate it. You would have left it alone if you hated being a jerk.

Yeah, but these fools that suck at sports (and likely read sports blogs to satisfy their dwindling testosterone) and get paid a pittance to shift packages around the globe all day think they're being cool. That's all that matters, right?

FedEx disagrees.

I can see you at work now... "I'm sorry, boss. I know that you pay me to do this in one day. You're dumb for expecting it in one day, so I'm going to take two and you're going to pay me the same and not fire me."

A "rational" and "intelligent" company such as UPS should have picked up the phone to call their largest customer in the world to let them know that they were behind on deliveries and to not make anymore guarantees.

I'd love to know the excuses you come up with when you let down your bosses.

You're either knowingly exaggerating, don't live in NYC or don't socialize.

It goes like this...

he gave me a slice, which was so nice of him! Especially because I told him up front why I was asking, so it wasn't as if he thought he was actually going to sell me a giant hunk of it. Do cheesemongers work on commission?

If they're doing this, I doubt it is just with laptop cameras. It is probably also the mic in your laptop and also the camera and mic in phones and tablets.