The Dreaded Rear Admiral

He does, but he still can’t figure out why the gold Sharpie isn’t legible.

Cue the GOP “we don’t need to protect Mueller, he’s fine!” and DNC “we’re not going to start investigating anything, we don’t need to!” fanfare.

Before he gives these interviews he really needs to start writing “Remember: Don’t admit to obstruction of justice when being recorded in interview!” on the palm of his hand in sharpie marker.

This is why YOU’RE IN THE GREYS. How can you not GET IT?

Uh... Isn’t Sen. Gillibrand correct here?

Obviously, we’re talking current WH, not historical.

The damned electric sex pants would be shorted out on no time.

Can it be called dry when (at least) one person involved is a sweaty fat sack of greasy ball sweat?

I’ve always assumed that their marriage involved him giving her a few million dollars in a Swiss bank account. And to get her to move to Washington was another deposit. And for her to be silent, it was more money than Kobe spent on his wife.

I would give valuable things, purloined from my betters, in order to hear Melania’s unvarnished thoughts on her husband’s philandering.

That’s a low bar.

Fact. Why the hell did I eat this crap when I was a kid?

I'm sure that Donald feels this makes him look weak, because he made a decision based on what his -wife- wanted.

So Melania has the biggest dick in the White House. Who knew?

Good to see the “Be Best” initiative doing its job.

Just another day of nepotism and skullduggery at the circular firing squad that is the Trump White House.

Maybe he can go the Libertarian route that practically means Republican. Plus they'll nominate whoever. 

Jesus lol

I guess Avenatti will have to run as a Republican now. Or, if he plays his cards right, he could be appointed as a circuit judge.