The Dreaded Rear Admiral

When we were in Afghanistan, the main base we were supported by was Camp Leatherneck. It was a condition 3 base, which meant everywhere you went you had a weapon with a magazine inserted but no round in the chamber.

I am wondering if he is too stupid and uncharismatic to get the customary after office corporate lobbying gig with the billionaire masters he destroyed his state for.

Sailboats and horse ownership have so much in common

Here on the Maine coast, the folksy saying I’ve heard so often I now roll my eyes is:

Ah, a sailing sabbatical. When we take them, we like to stop along the way to play a few nice games of cricket, and light cigars with $100 bills.

Idiot baby boomer forces dimwitted Gen Xer to write sad article about why the broke ass generation that got fucked hard in the Great Recession can’t get out of their Twitters and Instagrams and buy into more luxury items like boats and gold toilets.

My money is on the fact that the advisor said some shit about melania being a glorified prostitute, or in some other way said the quiet part loud and melania got pissed.  Since it was a woman, people listened to melania on this one.

I grew up sailing/racing, and owning any boat sail/power is a monstrous pain in the ass both in time and money. 


“Sailing sabbatical”? What kind of white nonsense is this?

Here’s the lede image caption, so you really don’t need to read the entire article;

Its a crazy but true fact, gun sales go up under the democrats and down under the republicans.  

I thought this might be true at well but it turns out it is not true as far as  I can make out.  Apparently NRA employees are allowed to open carry while on the premises.  Definitely the place to be if someone decides to start a mass shooting.  

I would almost guarantee that they have a ‘no firearms allowed on the premises’ rule going on...  Gun nuts are notoriously fearful people.

The fastest way to cause a mass shooting without harming anyone yourself would be to claim there’s a shooter in the building and watch them all try to be the hero.

Funny, but thinking about the NRA having a headquarters makes me wonder if the NRA headquarters does active shooter preparedness drills.

The irony being once they got their guy in the White House the gun nuts settled down a bit. The bad brown guy isn’t coming for your guns anymore.

that jackass couldn’t even refrain from saying out loud the thing he wasn’t supposed to while talking to a propaganda network.

Gillum reminded us that “a hit dog will holler.”  Mueller must have thrown something particularly large at a bitch today.

I love that one... a search engine and two social networks are colluding to... what, show that facts and people’s opinion of him are... biased? In other words, he’s a liar and everyone hates him, so there must be a conspiracy?