
Same here, and this story in particular is so powerful in Johanna's quiet desire. I'm not sure Munro's skill in making us feel those subtleties will translate well.

We had the same experience shopping for a LEAF. The saleswoman kept saying she had been driving one for a year and it was a great tragedy in her life. Over her protestations, we got one anyway and have loved it more than any car we've ever owned.

Is Hannibal Lector okay?

They make her out to be pretty frumpy and mousy on Mad Men, but doing so must take a lot of work. She is gorgeous.

Well... Just one of his eyebrows.

I told my ex-husband I would leave him for a night with just one of Colbert's agile, sardonic eyebrows. He didn't see the humor in that. Now you know why he's my ex.

Well, I didn't become a skanky cum-receptacle overnight... The first step is to really believe in your inner hussy.

I didn't make it into Harvard's School for Slatterns, but graduated summa cum laude from my safety school, Syracuse University's Institute for Women of Loose Morals and Ill Repute.

Hope it helps. Just read packages religiously. We can tell within an hour now if something had yeast (hidden under another name) because his mouth gets itchy and he gets a runny nose, but it no longer escalates to those really bad symptoms. You can find good lists online of possible "secret" yeast sources.

I'm going to pass this along as a possibility for your allergies and canker sores: My husband had horrible sinus symptoms and frequent GI symptoms (yes, moreso and more agonizingly than most men) and those horrible mouth cankers since his childhood. To make a long, boring story very short: we discovered he has yeast

If you knew him on October 29th, it's nonconsensual drug-induced sex with an old friend. You know, comfortable and familiar, like your favorite pair of non-consensual jeans.

Yup. Our first date was supposed to be one drink because I had a big deadline the following day. 18 hours later, he asked if I was seeing anyone else and when I said no, he said "Can we keep it that way?"

Slept with Mr. AlpacaLips on the first date as well, because... imagine this: we were really attracted to each other on a number of levels prior to the sex. If the attraction to intellect, humor, physique and shared values hadn't previously existed, there wouldn't have been either sex or a second date.

There's only one way in which that whole "Oh, no, Lily! You're way prettier than her. I don't even like [that kind of beautiful] women at all!" conversation comes up when she's sitting in a cafe with all her male friends. I've never heard of a guy initiating a conversation like that.

Shit. My son asked for a monocle for Christmas when he was 9 or 10. I didn't buy it and now if I do (3 years later), he'll just look like a total trendwhore.

Interesting point. I think I'm conflating the two in a way.

I agree with what the other respondents have said about independence, etc. I would also add that because I feel my husband and I are equals, that asking for help or telling him specifically to do something changes that power dynamic and makes me feel like I'm being a nagging, bossy shrew. He's actually happy to help

He may be right. I find that I have my most heartfelt talks with God when I'm not wearing underwear.

See, twice a week sounds really low to me. Mr. Alpaca and I have been together for years, we have a passel of kids and are starting a business and have all the accompanying stresses that go with that, but if it's been more than, say, 72 hours I start getting really cranky. Sex mitigates all the other crap in our lives

That's the Princess Diaries. The Princess Bride differs from it by being amazing and not remotely chick-flicky. Check IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes and then go watch it tonight.